Hello everyone, we’re very sorry to say that we’re going to have to postpone our April tour until the Autumn. Darby Todd is no longer able to do the shows with us in April due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict.
Our options to replace Darby at such short notice were basically non-existent as this isn’t the sort of music you can’t learn in a couple of weeks! As a result we’ve had no choice but to postpone the tour. As you can imagine, we are extremely disappointed and sorry.
Kilimanjaro have rescheduled the shows as follows –
Nov 2022
Sun 27th Wolverhampton Steel Mill
Mon 28th Edinburgh Queens Hall
Tue 29th Leeds Brudenell Social Club
Wed 30th Bath Komedia
Dec 2022
Thu 1st London Islington Academy
With regard to Leeds, there was no availability at City Varieties which is why the venue has had to be changed. If you bought your tickets via See Tickets or Gigantic your tickets will be transferred BUT if you bought them from City Varieties direct then we’re afraid you’ll have to get a refund and buy a new ticket from Brudenell Social Club. City Varieties won’t transfer the tickets and are not budging on that.
Your existing tickets for the other venues will be valid for the new dates.
Brudenell Social Club is standing venue.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this postponement may cause you. We’ve tried everything to keep the shows in April, but without a drummer, we simply can’t put on a show.
In terms of sorting out who will drum with us going forward, we’re absolutely thrilled to announce that Craig Blundell will be re-joining the band and his debut will be at these shows. More on that in due course…
Please keep an eye on our socials and website for more info. With Craig back in the band we’re going to be firing on all cylinders when we hit the road and we cannot wait to bring it to you.
Be well and see you out there,
Jem, John and Nath (and Craig).